i am so proud of myself for sticking with something for an extended amount of time, for one. its crazy how many plans you have before your child arrives [ie natural childbirth, breastfeed, cloth diaper, attachment parenting, elimination communication] and yet get discouraged after something doesnt go according to plan. i am the first to admit that i only breastfed for a week because i believed my husband really wanted to help feed the baby. needless to say i am still disappointed 5 months later. so when she was about to turn 5 months i decided it was time to make the change. we were going to cloth diaper! as i did my research and asked a
ton of questions on my parenting forum i had my mind set!! i slowly started my stash and i am sooo happy that i kept it up! [even though everyone thought i was crazy for
wanting to, and my mother who cd me saying it was hard] i think its so easy and coming to the conclusion they are crazy, not to mention wasteful ;) just imagine how many babies are born every year and times that by the 6000 diapers they each use.... yeah, mind blowing huh?
so thus starts my journey :) i love me some rocking green, so i rocked a soak yesterday cause i just got some pre loved cloth.

[when we first started rockin' a soak, overnight results, and washing my fluff]

fresh fluff!!! [just got 2 more pockets not pictured]
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